Une pétition pourrait pousser le Parlement allemand à arrêter la 5G Imprimer
Écrit par Eric   
Mercredi, 10 Avril 2019 22:18

(Telecompaper, 8/4/19) En Allemagne, une pétition contre la 5G a atteint 54 643 signatures, dépassant ainsi le quorum nécessaire pour demander au Parlement allemand d'arrêter l'attribution des fréquences 5G , selon un groupe de campagne environnementale appelé "Diagnosis Funk". Le Parlement allemand peut décider de suspendre la procédure d'attribution de fréquences 5G sur la base de "doutes fondés sur des raisons scientifiques concernant la sécurité de cette technologie", selon la pétition.


Des scientifiques et médecins ont mis en garde contre l'introduction de normes de téléphonie mobile 5G dans tout le pays, indique la pétition. En particulier, la nouvelle norme 5G utilise des ondes millimétriques jusqu’à 200 GHz. Selon la pétition, cette radiation est absorbée par la peau humaine ou les feuilles de la plante, entraînant notamment des risques de cancer, de stress cellulaire et de modifications génétiques, entre autres maladies.



54,000 citizens demand: Bundestag must suspend 5G frequency auction! Press release from diagnostik: funk
Press release from diagnostik: funk from 5.4.2019

54,000 citizens demand: Bundestag must suspend 5G frequency auction!

5G petition to Bundestag reaches quorum; Scientists warn again about health effects by 5G in 3sat broadcast

Stuttgart, 05.04.2019: A petition to the German Bundestag to stop the 5G mobile radio reached the quorum yesterday evening with 54.643 co-signers and must be treated thus by the Bundestagspetitionsausschuss. The purpose of the petition: "The German Bundestag may decide to suspend procedures for the award of 5G mobile communications licenses and to stop the introduction of the 5G mobile radio standard, as long as there are scientifically justified doubts about the safety of this technology."

Link to the petition: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/petitionen/_2018/_12/_05/Petition_88260.nc.html

Jörn Gutbier, chairman of diagnostose: funk, recalls that to date there is no technology assessment for 5G. Jörn Gutbier continues: "The Petitions Committee must immediately implement the petition's demands. Many renowned scientists criticize the 5G expansion as a field trial, most recently last night in the 3sat show 'nano'. The fact that more than 50,000 people are calling for the 5G construction stop within one week shows just how great the concern about cell phone radiation and the possible health consequences is. "

Last night's 3sat science show 'nano' (4.4.2019) featured leading scientists who warn of the already known risks of mobile phone radiation and urge further research.

5G post in 'nano': http://www.3sat.de/mediathek/?mode=play&obj=80106

The REFLEX study mentioned in the 'nano' article: http://www.aerzte-und-mobilfunk.eu/ausgewaehlte-studien/reflex-studie-mobilfunk-forschung-krebsrisiko-dna-schaedigung/

Legal confirmation of the REFLEX study: https://www.diagnose-funk.org/publikationen/artikel/detail?newsid=844

The concern of the over 54,000 petition signatories must be taken seriously by the Bundestag, the treatment of the petition may not be dragged out. The rapporteur of the Committee on Petitions must propose the application of the rule in section 7.13.2 of the procedural principles: "In the event of a contested measure being forthcoming, it may be proposed in particular to request the Federal Government or the competent authority (No 5) to suspend the operation until the Petitions Committee has decided on the appeal. "This means: Immediate suspension of the current 5G frequency auction is possible, especially as there is no technology assessment for 5G to date.

Furthermore, diagnose: funk demands a Bundestag hearing on the risk status of 5G. To this end, the Bundestag must invite independent scientists and consumer protection organizations.

Jörn Gutbier, chairman of diagnostose: funk: "Especially at 5G shows how the study situation is distorted by the influence of the mobile phone lobby. The Federal Government's opinion on the risks is based on trivializing and false information. But the population can no longer be deceived, as shown by the success of this petition. "




Mise à jour le Mercredi, 10 Avril 2019 22:35