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Criirem (France) Centre de Recherche et d'Information Indépendantes sur les Rayonnements ElectroMagnétiques. Le bureau du Criirem réunit des scientifiques, experts des pollutions de l’environnement. Il est accompagné d’un conseil scientifique, composé de médecins et d’universitaires reconnus, spécialistes de l’électromagnétisme naturel, biologique et artificiel.
Next-Up (France) Association française de lutte contre les nuisances électromagnétiques.
Complet et très didactique. Une mine d'informations. Une vaste revue de presse internationale en plusieurs langues. Une pétition européenne multilingue. Une newsletters à laquelle nous vous recommandons de vous abonner.
Robin des Toits (France) Assister et fédérer les personnes et les collectifs qui luttent pour la sécurité sanitaire des populations exposées aux nouvelles technologies de télécommunications sans fil.
PRIARTeM (France) Pour une Réglementation des Implantations d'Antennes Relais de Téléphonie Mobile. Priartem se bat pour exiger que les opérateurs soient soumis à des règles respectueuses des conditions de vie et de santé des riverains des stations-relais, des utilisateurs de portables et de toutes les personnes soumises à l’exposition des champs électromagnétiques générés par les technologies du « tout sans fil ».
Beperk De Straling (Vlanderen) Een groep van burgers die zich zorgen maakt over de exponentiële toename van de stralingsniveau's waaraan de bevolking wordt blootgesteld. Meer bepaald de niveaus van hoogfrequente microgolfstraling, uitgezonden door zendmasten (gsm, UMTS, Wimax, ...) en draadloze technologieën (WiFi, DECT, ...).
STOP UMTS (NL) StopUMTS informeert de bezoeker over alles wat met de blootstelling aan hoogfrequente elektromagnetische straling te maken heeft. Ondanks de naam van de website, gaat het hierbij om de gehele mix van elektromagnetische velden: GSM, UMTS, DECT, WLAN, WiFi, WiMax, C2000, etc.
ARA (Suisse rom.) Association Romande pour la non prolifération d'Antennes de téléphonie mobile
MicrowaveNews (USA) - REFERENCE ! For close to 30 years (!), Microwave News has been reporting on the potential health and environmental impacts of electromagnetic fields and radiation. We are widely recognized as a fair and objective source of information on this controversial subject.
Microwave News covers the entire non-ionizing electromagnetic spectrum, with special emphasis on mobile phones and power lines, as well as radar and broadcast towers.
Powerwatch (G.B.) A small non-profit independent organisation with a central role in the UK Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Radiation health debate. We work closely with decision-makers in government and business, and with other like-minded groups, promoting policies for a safer environment. We have been researching electromagnetic field effects on health for over 20 years, and provide a range of information to help the general public try to understand this complex issue.
EM Research radiation Research Trust (G.B.) The EM Radiation Research Trust is an independent body. It amis at explaining what is an often confused issue and make the past and current evidence available to the public and the media. It lobbies the U.K. Government and the E.U. to fund and prioritise the research effort. It campaigns for law and policy change based on scientific evidence, along with more independent research into health aspects of mast emissions including a study of a cancer cluster adjacent to a mast site. The Trust also wishes to implement the APMG report with the establishing of a truly independent standard setting body advising on EM emission levels and direction of beams of greatest intensity and potential sensitive sites such as schools, etc.
Mast Sanity (G.B.) Mast Sanity's primary concern is that the present system of mobile phone and TETRA technology is unsafe. The system is biologically and environmentally incompatible with the health and well being of the public. Mast Sanity wants a safe system of operation. Mast Sanity believes the health implications to be on the scale of smoking and asbestos and a health disaster is looming.Until the Government is forced to recognise that mobile phone and TETRA technology are unsafe Mast Sanity is demanding that masts are not located close to schools, residential areas, old people's homes, hospitals and other sensitive locations. Our volunteers are professional people, many from the technology sector. We do not campaign against the use of mobile phones, except by children under 16 because of the recommendations of Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, and because of the huge amount of International evidence on the health implications.
EMFacts Consultancy (Australia) Independent source of information on the possible health and safety issues arising from human exposure to EMF [EN] EMFacts Consultancy, founded in 1994 by Don Maisch, has produced a wide range of reports and papers dealing with various health issues related to human exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation. This consists of both 50 and 60 Hertz (Hz) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from our use of electricity and Radio-frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) from telecommunications.This site is designed to be utilized as a resource by individuals, groups, organisations and communities who are trying to empower themselves by gaining a better understanding of the complex issues involved with this important environmental issue.
Dr Magda Havas, Trent University (Canada) On you will find information related to the subject of electromagnetic fields (EMF) that originate from our use of electricity and wireless communication technologies. The subjects we are mainly concerned with are the harmful health effects that EMFs have on human health, wildlife, and nature. Here, Dr. Havas presents her research and the research from other scientists, activists, and individuals in the media who all share the goal of informing the public about the hazzards of modern electrical technology and how to use these devices safely.
ElectroSentitiveSociety Organisation internationale pour les électrosensibles (en anaglais)
Diagnose Funk (Suisse all.) Umwelt und Verbraucherorganisation zum Schutz vor electromagnetischer Strahlung (Suisse all.) Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft Elektrosmog-Betroffener
Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog-Forschung IGEF
Buergerwelle (Allemagne) Une des sources d'information la plus complète sur la question [EN] [DE]
INTERNATIONAL EMF ALLIANCE IEMFA is the International Electro-Magnetic Fields Alliance, supported by an independent and growing global body of empirically-based scientific experts on living processes, with a multilevel, multidisciplinary health focus. The Members cover a diversity of Biological, -Physics, -Medical and Epidemiologic disciplines, ranging from atomic and molecular level to the level of living cells, tissues and the functioning of different organ systems. They cooperate worldwide to supply a coherent, multilevel insight into the multitude of observed biological disruptions when exposed to non-ionizing radiation, addressing the important issues of plausible long-term degradation threats for public health. IEMFA collaborates with several international organizations.
Ccarra-national (France, Lyon) "Coordination Citoyenne Antennes-Relais Rhône-Alpes et nationale" rassemble les collectifs et associations concernés par le problème des antennes relais de téléphonie mobile. Ainsi que les compteurs connectés et radio commandés. Linky, Gazpar,les répartiteurs de radiateurs et compteurs d'eau
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